Why Do I Feel Depressed After Yoga or Meditation?
If these are supposed to be enlightening, positive practices, why do they sometimes make us feel down?
Everyone always talks about how great yoga and meditation are. Their benefits are touted far and wide, and depending on where you live, you can’t throw a rock without hitting two or three studios. You can even sign up to take classes online. There are apps, books, and DVDs dedicated to the practices.
What isn’t always talked about is the potential downside to one or both practices. Like feeling angry when you finish your practice. Or like feeling depressed after your practice. So when it happens to you for the first time, it can come as a big surprise. If it happens more than once, it can start to really worry you.
When everyone else is telling you how great you’ll feel after adding yoga or meditation to your life, I want to reassure you that it’s not necessarily a bad thing if you don’t feel good. In fact, feeling depressed after your practice could be a good thing.