Shannon, I've followed your work for a while now. Frankly, I'm in awe. You're so raw and honest about your struggles and it's hard to fathom living with the things you're forced to live with.
I don't have a lot of helpful advice for you, but two things they suggested for you, I do have some things you might consider:
1. Pedicures - podiatrists and some PCPs can help with this. Especially since they're not referring to the "pink or purple polish?" type pedicure, you might be able to get this done under insurance in a medical office.
If not, another option to check into is getting a nail technician or a student who would be willing to come to your home. You mentioned not really being able to afford it anyway, so they might ask too much to come to you, but perhaps if you explain your condition, you may find an empathetic person who is willing to do it out of the goodness of their heart. I know that seems too optimistic, but sometimes people surprise us.
2. Massages to move fluid - I think some physical therapists can help with this? But again, if not, look for a massage therapy school near you. They often offer free or low-cost massages so their students can gain practical experience and learning with someone with your condition is something they may not often get to experience. You would get what you need while they would get some very beneficial experience they might not otherwise. While you should definitely be the priority here, I think this could be a win for everyone.
I look forward to reading more of your work whenever you're able to publish. You're a talented writer, a good mother, and a worthy human being. Take care of yourself. You deserve it.