Photo by Andrew Neel on Unsplash

Keep the Love Alive When Working Together at Home

If things are getting a little tense because you’re both working from home these days, these tips might make it a little better.

Wendy Miller
8 min readMay 9, 2020


Maybe you decided to start your own business together after getting furloughed. Maybe you’re both working on your own businesses just as you always have. Or maybe you’re working from home for your employers.

Whatever the case, combining business with home and romance can make for an odd mixture. The roles you play professionally and the roles you play in your relationship may not be the same. And seeing your partner suddenly behaving in a way you’ve never seen before can be more than a little disconcerting.

Under ordinary circumstances, you could get a little breathing room from each other. One could head to a coffee shop or the library to work. You could schedule in person meetings to get out of the house. But these are not ordinary circumstances.

During this time when we’re restricted in where we can go and what we can do, we’re spending a lot more time at home. And the things that usually might not bother us at all are suddenly irritating to no end.

If you want to ease the tension and make things a little better in your relationship, try the following ideas.

Make room for communication

Photo by Joshua Ness on Unsplash

Under the best of circumstances, it’s easy to become too busy to make time to communicate with our partner. But right now, when the lines between work and home can get incredibly blurred, it’s even easier to get too caught up with work to make time for communication.

But we also might try to avoid communicating when we know we need to say something that might be hurtful or negative. Knowing we are in close quarters with limited or no options to get some space if things don’t go well makes it easy to think we should keep problems to ourselves until there’s a better time.

But holding onto things just causes them to build and become bigger than they are. And…

