Hi Bridget! That’s the conflict of being a parent — we know what’s right, what’s life, and yet it breaks our hearts when it happens. And where our married counterparts (hopefully) have a partner to go through it with and ease the transition a bit, as single parents, we’re pretty much on our own. Though we can talk to others going through it, no one understands our exact feelings about our specific children like their other parent would.
Like you, I always had these little visions of my sons when they were all grown up. As they got older and I began to truly see the men they would one day become in their faces, I knew I needed to start getting ready for that day or I would be totally lost.
The fact that you already recognize it is a good thing. It means you’ll have plenty of time to prepare and work on being able to let go gracefully. Well…as gracefully as possible, anyway. I must admit that my version of gracefully letting go often looks like tripping and falling flat on my face. LOL