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Discovering Your Inner Creative Potential
Trust me, everyone has the ability to be creative — you just need to be open to it
My creativity lies in writing and taking beautiful photos. My oldest son’s is in creating and shaping unique knives. My youngest son’s is in spray paint art and hand-carved wooden bowls.
I have friends who are creative in their own unique ways. From painting to sculpting to coming up with game ideas, from movie-making to jewelry-making, their creativity spans the spectrum.
Believe it or not, there is creativity lurking within all of us. Creativity is not only the ability to draw a picture or write a poem — creativity is simply thinking in a unique way. When you approach a situation, as long as you keep thinking of new ways to solve problems, you’re thinking creatively.
Here are some tips for discovering your inner creative potential:
1. Do What Makes You Happy. You may already have an idea about what you might like to do creatively, but you may be afraid of failure so you don’t try at all. However, the only failure is if you give up before you start. So what if you fall flat on your face? So what if people are judging you? Adopt the “you only live once” attitude and go for it!