6 Questions for the First Date (Or Before)

By asking these questions early on, you can avoid wasting a lot of time on someone who’s not right for you

Wendy Miller


Image by Pavel Jurča from Pixabay

SSingle parents don’t have a lot of free time for dating. So when you get back out there, you tend to want to date as efficiently as possible while still enjoying yourself.

One way to do that is to avoid spending a lot of time on dates with people who aren’t a good match. Unfortunately, too many of us end up doing just that because we don’t figure out someone isn’t a good match until we’re several dates in.

But that’s because we don’t ask the right questions early on. We know some of the right questions, like whether they have kids or if they’ve been married before. But there are other questions that don’t immediately come to mind, yet they can offer some deep insight into whether someone is a good fit for us.

Think about asking these questions on or before your next first date. You might be amazed at how many second dates you skip as a result.

Why are you dating?

There are plenty of reasons for dating, from fun to sex to finding a lifelong mate. And while there’s technically no wrong reason to date, there is a right reason that makes you a match. If one of you is dating to find a lifelong mate while the other is looking for their next one night stand, even the first date might turn out to be a waste of both your time.

So ask the other person why they’re dating. Or if you feel that sounds odd or confrontational, try asking what their dating goal is.

What if they don’t know? That doesn’t have to be a deal breaker, but it might be a good idea to keep your other options open and not invest too much time into dating them until they figure it out.

Photo by Courtney Kammers on Unsplash

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